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I have a number of iPods, each with a different username. I'm currently able to kludge a solution by appending each iPod's name onto the name of its playlist catalog directory, and then I retrieve the name with %St(playlist catalog directory). So if my iPod's name is "Bed_Pod", I name the playlist catalog directory "PlaylistsBed_Pod" and then call %ss(10,-,%St(playlist catalog directory)) to display the correct username.
My current WIP patch has this new "playername" setting defaulting to the internal playername (eg ipod5g, xduoox3, etc) but I'm now thinking it makes more sense to default to an empty string.The idea being that users of that setting (be they themes or whatever) can check to see if it's set at all and adjust their behavior accordingly, and a name like 'xduoox3' isn't terribly useful.I'm also thinking that this name could be properly voiced by the user creating a talkclip called '.rockbox/lang/VOICE_PLAYERNAME.talk' that could be triggered by the announce_status plugin or somewhere in the menu hierarchy.
One thing I'd love to have would be the ability to set a light and dark mode of a theme, and have it set to trigger at a specific time or at will via quickscreen. I don't have the slightest idea if that's possible or how it would be accomplished though.
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