Installation / Removal > Rockbox Utility

Tried to install Rockbox on my iPod 6th gen, didn't find rockbox.ipod


So, I tried to install this on my iPod 6th gen and it ended up giving me an error saying that it didn't find rockbox.ipod. How do I fix this or go back to its original firmware? BTW, I do not know how to shut it down.

same happen to me, what I did to return to the original iPod frimware was:
- using the DISK MANAGEMENT delete volume (with the iPod conected via USB cable), you look whats your iPod HD then with right click mouse look for DELETE VOLUME
- after you delete volume, format the iPod (in the same DISK MANAGEMENT in WINDOWS) with exFAT
- unplugged the iPod
- plug the iPod and open iTunes, resorte the iPod using iTunes


What version of iTunes are you using? I've tried four different ones and Apple Devices. I've gotten different errors every time.


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