Installation / Removal > Rockbox Utility
get the following error when trying to install rockbox on 5.5 with iflash quad
Ok i have ipod 5.5 80g with iflash quad . so i have got four samsung evo select 512gb sdcards which when formatted correctly can restore the ipod on orginal firmware and have all four turn up with storage of 1.8 tb storage. However when ever i try to install rock box i get the foloowing error ( rockbox cant find image
error for file rockbox.ipod. Heres the kicker if i only install 3 of the 4 sdcards rockbox installs and works perfectly. I have checked all the sdcards with hwtest and they work fine and other thing is i can mix match sdcards around once correctly formated work fine but for some reason whenever add fourth card rockbox just throws an error. Not sure if its to match size wise for rockbox no dramas with the os.
Any thoughts
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