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ARTIST:Dizzy Gillespie; Sonny Rollins; Sonny Stitt
Although, from the looks of the code at the end of metadata_common.c, the code is purposely non-compliant. However, since a lot of the code is shared, I'm not sure if this is specifically directed toward ID3 tags and not Vorbis.
I dont understand why you'd think its that niche, like I mean yeah we can live without it, but stuff like Spotify (god forbid), atleast tags multiple artists, and I genuinely think its important and convenient and useful to be able to have multiples of same type tags, especially for artists (and genres) and I think Vorbis tags should be standardized and we should move away from old school mp3 tagging
Well on foobar it is literally represented as how you'd expect; multiple tags get all treated the same, 2 different artists? then those "categories" get created if they dont exist or get merged with one that does exist, so for the same example "Tatsuya Kitani\\Eve" would make the same song appear under both "Tatsuya Kitani" and "Eve", same for genres, I dont think its any more complex than that
If you mean code complexity I can understand, but if you mean performance and yeah just "opposite of simplicity" then I cannot agree because you can make it an option in the settings I suppose
I would be down to look around the source code, and not to be rude because youve all done incredible work that me and many people are thankful for but this is the first project I see so poorly organized and outdated, I have no clue where the source code is, I wanted to find already created issues just like on GitHub but I had trouble finding anything here besides some old 2007 stuff, or maybe im too used to how we all do it today, its refreshing to see a oldschool forum like this
1) Like it or not, Vorbis *is* incredibly niche.2) No other common formats allow multiple tags
foobar doesn't run on two-decade-old embedded systems that contain only 2MB of total RAM.
Moving from a 1:1 tag lookup to a 1:N lookup represents a considerable increase in data structure and algorithmic complexity. Making that _optional_ at runtime, even more so. Meanwhile, as I mentioned earlier there are also some very real implications for other portions of the UI. (Hint: What should the theme engine show for "Artist:" when there are three artist tags in the file?)
...You found this forum, but you couldn't click on "dev guide" on the forum sidebar (which is the same as the main rockbox homepage) to find out where the source code or list of reported bugs/issues can be found? (Nevermind that the first four results of Googling "rockbox source code" include both a mirror on github and the primary repository)
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