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Quote from: Ren on August 04, 2022, 03:10:03 AMI bought a Surfans F20 Player as well and I want to install the native port on it.[...]Is it save to proceed with the installation of the native port with the latest (v7) bootloader from this thread?[...]Flash info:readID opcode = FF C8 D1 C8readID address = C8 D1 C8 D1readID dummy = D1 C8 D1 C8[...]This shows you have the GigaDevice flash (same as JosephM's) so yes it's safe to install with the v7 bootloader.QuoteI installed the ROCKbox native port from the v7 bootloader, after a success message I first booted into ROCKbox from the BOOT Menue, this worked.Then I rebooted and I just got a flickering screen.So I powered the device off by long pressing power.A new press on power just gives me the flickering screen again...So I loaded the v7 bootloader from command promt again...I reinstalled ROCKbox and powered off after.I pressed power again and all I got is a flickering screen again.So I started the bootloader again and created a Flashdump and the info files are they I restored the original bootloader. Now the player is working again with its original Firmware (not with ROCKbox sadly). I hope you will have success in getting the thing working with ROCKbox! If you need something else from me I try to provide it to you.I don't know what the issue is, but if you try a few things it might help narrow things down:Go into the bootloader menu (hold volume up when powering on) and boot Rockbox - see if the LCD flickersBoot the original firmware from the bootloader menu - check if the LCD worksBoot the original firmware by holding PLAY when powering onAlso if you could explain what you mean by the screen "flickering" that would help. Can you see the Rockbox logo or menus? Do they look corrupted? Or do you see randomly colored "noise"? Better yet, post a video of the problem if you can. It doesn't have to be great, as long as the problem is visible.
I bought a Surfans F20 Player as well and I want to install the native port on it.[...]Is it save to proceed with the installation of the native port with the latest (v7) bootloader from this thread?[...]Flash info:readID opcode = FF C8 D1 C8readID address = C8 D1 C8 D1readID dummy = D1 C8 D1 C8[...]
I installed the ROCKbox native port from the v7 bootloader, after a success message I first booted into ROCKbox from the BOOT Menue, this worked.Then I rebooted and I just got a flickering screen.So I powered the device off by long pressing power.A new press on power just gives me the flickering screen again...So I loaded the v7 bootloader from command promt again...I reinstalled ROCKbox and powered off after.I pressed power again and all I got is a flickering screen again.So I started the bootloader again and created a Flashdump and the info files are they I restored the original bootloader. Now the player is working again with its original Firmware (not with ROCKbox sadly). I hope you will have success in getting the thing working with ROCKbox! If you need something else from me I try to provide it to you.
readID opcode = FF EF AA 21readID address = EF AA 21 00readID dummy = EF AA 21 00sfc params0 = 06 05 04 03sfc params1 = 02 55 AA 55sfc params2 = 00 61 02 02sfc params3 = B4 2F 00 00
That flash should be one of the supported ones. Could you try getting a backup dump (Bootloader > Backup)?Try one of these builds to fix the LCD:Flipped: + inverted:
Nice, now we just need to find out how to detect the LCD automatically. Are you able to flash that bootloader? If it still gives errors please post what it says.
/* Set Address Mode */ LCD_INSTR_CMD, 0x36, LCD_INSTR_DAT, 0xd8,
// vvv add this LCD_INSTR_CMD, 0x21, // ^^^ /* Exit Sleep */ LCD_INSTR_CMD, 0x11, LCD_INSTR_UDELAY, 120000, /* Display On */ LCD_INSTR_CMD, 0x29, LCD_INSTR_UDELAY, 20000, LCD_INSTR_END,
Ok, so the LCD configuration is in firmware/target/mips/ingenic_x1000/erosqnative/lcd-erosqnative.c. Vertical/horizontal flip is controlled by this command:Code: [Select] /* Set Address Mode */ LCD_INSTR_CMD, 0x36, LCD_INSTR_DAT, 0xd8,The data byte is what controls the orientation. Bit 7 = vertical flip, bit 6 = horizontal flip. The "inverted" build is just a horizontal flip, so 0xd8 becomes 0x98. Bit 3 is RGB/BGR order, so changing that may help fix the colors.Another thing you can try is adding the "display invert on" command (0x21), assuming the default is non-inverted; maybe also try 0x20 "display invert off" just in case it defaults to on for some reason.Code: [Select] // vvv add this LCD_INSTR_CMD, 0x21, // ^^^ /* Exit Sleep */ LCD_INSTR_CMD, 0x11, LCD_INSTR_UDELAY, 120000, /* Display On */ LCD_INSTR_CMD, 0x29, LCD_INSTR_UDELAY, 20000, LCD_INSTR_END,To stop the display from going to sleep you can comment out / remove the code in lcd_tgt_sleep(), the backlight will still turn off but the controller will keep running normally.I don't remember if dconrad ever figured out what the display controller was... not that it would help since you could have a different one, but most of them support a similar command set (called MIPI DCS) and you can check eg. the ILI9341 datasheet for info.
Yeah, I need to tag a new 'official' bootloader release -- we've had other features like GPT partition table support added since the last one.
> Any idea if I can just install one of the older firmwares and then go about installing the native port as usual?In a word: Don't.There are numerous hardware changes, and I've seen multiple reports that installing (eg) 2.7 on top of 3.0 causes audio output to stop working, and it's nto clear that Surfans will supoprt you if complain.In theory a single software image could detect the hardware revision and behave accordingly, but that requires (1) hardware to report a revision number and (2) the software to check (and care).If someone can get me the various surfans firmware files for these later hardware revisions I can generate pre-patched update files for the *hosted* port, but if you're looking to load up the native port, IIUC that doesn't matter.
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