Support and General Use > Audio Playback, Database and Playlists

Database/Tagnavi: Possible to have “Songs never played”?



First and foremost - Thank you so much for the Rockbox project and all hard work and dedication that has made it possible. I have it running on my iPod and it works great!

I have (by guessing and luck) managed to change the tagnavi to give me some great “smart playlists”. I have tried countless of times to have a playlist with conditions are play count = 0 and rating = 0. But I have never succeeded.

Does anybody here have a playlist such as the one requested? Is it possible to do?

(I have one playlist with songs with play count greater than 0 and rating greater than 0 which works. But changing the “greater than lesser than” signs does not work.)

Thanks in advance!


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