Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
Rockbox writes to the disk far, far more often than the Apple firmware.The fundamental problem is that the CF->SD chipset the iFlash adapters are built on don't properly support standard ATA power management commands (including "run in the lowest power mode possible without automatically going to sleep" and "flush everything to disk so it is safe to sleep" and even "flush everything and go to sleep now") so we have no way of reliably knowing when it is actually safe to kill power. Even the "just flush everything" command falsely claims success!) Killing power when it's not safe is near-guaranteed to cause data corruption. So we are forced to leave power on, which can severely hurt battery life depending on the specific SD card.That said there is a flaw in the current code that results in power being left on even when it's safe to turn off -- I have a patch in gerrit that needs some wider testing:, SATA SSDs are are a different kettle of fish, and there are supposedly issues there too, but since these are native ATA devices, more research is needed to determine the root cause of reported issues with those. For example, many problems have been traced to loose/flaky cables, which obviously that has nothing to do with Rockbox. Similarly, the SATA SSDs usually have _worse_ power characteristics than the original hard drives, which again is not uinque to Rockbox.
Rockbox writes to the disk far, far more often than the Apple firmware.The fundamental problem is that the CF->SD chipset the iFlash adapters are built on don't properly support standard ATA power management commands (including "run in the lowest power mode possible without automatically going to sleep" and "flush everything to disk so it is safe to sleep" and even "flush everything and go to sleep now") so we have no way of reliably knowing when it is actually safe to kill power. Even the "just flush everything" command falsely claims success!) Killing power when it's not safe is near-guaranteed to cause data corruption. So we are forced to leave power on, which can severely hurt battery life depending on the specific SD card.
Is the power consumption even more degraded if the CF->SD adapter contains a microSD in an SD->microSD adapter?Does Rockbox do better re power consumption when the mini contains one of the cheapo CF->SD adapters rather than the iFlash version?
Does this mean that a Rockbox user would see a notable power consumption improvement when using a true CF card rather than a CF->SD adapter? (Meaning that a true CF card would be better than both the original HD and a CF->SD adapter?)
Is the power consumption even more degraded if the CF->SD adapter contains a microSD in an SD->microSD adapter?
Are you able to specify/recommend which SD (and/or microSD) cards do better than others re Rockbox power consumption with a CF->SD adapter?
Does Rockbox do better re power consumption when the mini contains one of the cheapo CF->SD adapters rather than the iFlash version?
I have a question — this flaw is on ALL iPods with ATA (iPod Gen 3 A1040, iPod Gen 4 A1059/1099)? As i have iPod Gen 5 A1136, and it's playtime on Rockbox is very good. I'm getting 70 hours with 3000mah battery, thought i did not tested on original firmware. But, also, i have A1040 with CF-SD adapter, and Rockbox playtime is about the same 5-6 hours. Will do tests on A1040 on original firmware to confirm.
That said there is a flaw in the current code that results in power being left on even when it's safe to turn off -- I have a patch in gerrit that needs some wider testing:
I would be happy to test this if there is a fully built version I can install.
I have installed ab2af16c7c-240415 onto my 2nd Gen mini with CF->SD adapter. At the outset I'm seeingSSD detected: yesPower mgmt: unsupported
Should I first see how long it will run with the Apple firmware as a benchmark, and then run this test version of Rockbox? I figure I should do the Apple version first in case any corruption results from running the Rockbox version.
Here are test builds for the ipod5g, ipod6g, and mini2g:
Do you want me to continue to evaluate these test builds or should I switch to the new dev builds that contain today's code changes?
So far I have only tried the mini2g-exp version and it seems to have been stable for me. I think it might be a bit sluggish in places, but I'm not sure of that because I hadn't previously used my mini in a while until I installed this test version, and I'm more accustomed to using 5G Videos and 6G Classics.
Current dev builds, please. At worst they're no more broken than before. try this one on the 6g. It has some additions that might provide a path to powering off devices with SD adapters.
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