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The value of the rate, pitch and speed is persistent, i.e. when the player is turned onit will always be set to the last value set by Pitch Screen or Bookmarks. SelectingPitch again will now display a menu with Pitch and Reset Setting. SelectingReset Setting will reset the pitch to 100% now and at next boot. However therate, pitch and speed information will be stored in any bookmarks you may createwhile the pitch is altered and will be restored upon playing backthose bookmarks.
However therate, pitch and speed information will be stored in any bookmarks you may createwhile the pitch is altered and will be restored upon playing backthose bookmarks.
I could easily be wrong, but my assumption is that audiobook listeners are likely to want the opposite (i.e. make the bookmarked pitch persist). I imagine a typical workflow like this:1) User listens to music with unadjusted pitch2) User switches to an audiobook – adjusts the pitch for that3) At some point they may want to listen to music again, or to some other audiobook, so they create a bookmark (which helpfully saves the pitch setting)4) User listens to music – resets the pitch for that5) Sometime later, they go back to listening to their audiobook by loading the bookmark, which also restores the now, the pitch is restored, but only until the device is rebooted, at which point, it is required to once again load a bookmark or manually adjust the pitch after resuming.
> It was me who suggested this feature about 9 months agoNot sure when it was first suggested but a patch implementing this feature was suggested in 2010:
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