Rockbox Development > Feature Ideas
Keep custom audio speed setting during shutdown/reboot
I usually listen to podcasts with speeds like 1.25x or 1.5x
And I am happy that we can freely change the audio speed in Rockbox.
However, each time the player boots, the audio speed goes back to 1.00x
Is there any chance to include an option to make the audio speed persistent, so that a custom set audio speed is kept after the player is shut down and restarted the next time?
Like it is e.g. possible already for the sleep timer.
If you bookmark and stop your audiobook, the speed is part of the bookmark, IIRC, thus resumed afterwards.
Thank you.
Yes, I know. This is how I currently do it, in conjunction with "Bookmark on Poweroff".
But if the audio speed was persistent, you wouldn't have to execute a bookmark each time on bootup.
You could simply continue to play, instead of "Home, 3x Up, Right, Right" ;)
the pitch plugin pitch_screen.rock takes arguments
first go to settings>General Settings>Startup/Shutdown>Start Screen>Open Plugin
choose Viewers/pitch_screen.rock
now go to Apps/Open Plugins
under Start Screen you should see [pitch_screen.rock]
long press on the entry and choose 'Edit' from the context menu (choose No to browse)
EDIT After today:
choose Yes when asked to set parameter and No when asked to browse for a plugin
under parameter you can use these options
--- Code: --- /* pitch_screen
* accepts args -q, -g, -p=, -s=, -k=; (= sign is optional)
* -q silences output splash
* -g runs the gui (DEFAULT)
* -p100 would set pitch to 100%
* -s=90 sets speed to 90% if timestrech is enabled
* -k=true -k1 enables time stretch -k0 -kf-kn disables
--- End code ---
so '-q -p70 -s90' would hide the splash set pitch to 70% and speed to 90'
after saving it you can select the entry again and run it to see if it does what you want
now on startup the pitch will be set
PS. working on a patch to allow you to add a parameter for viewers without going to the plugin
There is an old patch available for this issue:
This patch is integrated into Poretsky's build (though it is not frequently updated):
This plugin thing doesn't look to be very convenient for this scenario. You need to remember to set the pitch a second time via the Open Plugin every time you change it. And setting it up is not a straightforward process and requires more than just a few clicks.
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