Third Party > Repairing and Upgrading Rockbox Capable Players

Sansa Fuze V2 dead after a few minutes of listening from MicroSD

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Unequivocally yes Dev is now more stable minus bootloaders than 3.15 and we aren't fixing bugs for 3.15 either

The battery should be discharged already. Plug it into your pc just for a few seconds to see if it works.


--- Quote from: Bilgus on March 20, 2024, 08:13:57 PM ---Unequivocally yes Dev is now more stable minus bootloaders than 3.15 and we aren't fixing bugs for 3.15 either

--- End quote ---

I meant stable builds older than 3.15.


--- Quote from: jsr_278 on March 21, 2024, 08:41:30 AM ---The battery should be discharged already. Plug it into your pc just for a few seconds to see if it works.

--- End quote ---

Still nothing. After it went out, I left it on the charger for several maybe it has some Discharging to do...?

Keep trying reset, holding the power button for a few minutes. Then you could try to boot with the sansa firmware by holding "|<<" button first and then pressing power button. And don't charge the player, if the player is hung and reset doesn't work, the player will only get out of that state when the battery is completely discharged.


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