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Would it be possible at some point to have the option of assigning shortcuts to a Quickscreen button? I know we can replace the Quickscreen with Shortcuts, but it is great having the shuffle and repeat features close at hand, as well. I could forego the brightness buttons and add Shortcuts and something else, which I think would be great.
Press Long Select to access the Shortcuts Menu directly from the Quick Screen.
Shortly after the last fix was released I noticed one additional relatively minor anomaly, but I chose to not mention it at that time because of all of the reworking that had already been done, for which I was (and still am) very grateful. But today I bumped into it again so I thought I would mention it.When I select one of the entries in my .link file, I get properly taken into the directory that the link points to. If at that point I decide to exit back into the .link file's list of entries I press the RWD button. That takes me back into the .link file's list of entries with the entry I had previously clicked still highlighted and scrolled into view. But then immediately and automatically, the entry is unhighlighted, the list is scrolled so that the list's first entry is positioned at the top of the screen, and that first entry gets highlighted. This is not a big deal if the list is short and/or if I had clicked on an entry near the top of the list. But my link file has 75 entries and is still growing, so I wish the previously highlighted entry would remain highlighted and scrolled into view.
Great work getting the bugs worked out, enjoyable read as it progressed. Question: Would it be possible at some point to have the option of assigning shortcuts to a Quickscreen button? I know we can replace the Quickscreen with Shortcuts, but it is great having the shuffle and repeat features close at hand, as well. I could forego the brightness buttons and add Shortcuts and something else, which I think would be great.
Attached is an image of the top of my Shortcuts Menu.
Nice, I'm the opposite type of user I want it to just turn on resume playback and play till it runs down or I turn it offI rarely skip tracks and when I do I really would like to delete them and when the playlist ends I load another andthats about it for my day to day interaction with my dapI do some plugins and the bookmarks for audiobooks but those can be automatic now with the bookmarking ignore stuffbut I do enjoy seeing what yall come up with in the OS that is rockbox
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