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The battery ie easy enough to swap; IIRC it's the same size and connetor as the 3rd gen ipod but with the pins reversed.
AFAIK rockbox on the iHP-140 is quite stable, but you'll need the latest bootloader that fixes several issues with non-HDD.
There's no way to upgrade the USB transfer speed; it's slow USB 1.1 only. Well, it's theoretically possible to replace the chips responsible for the USB mode, but that's a pretty serious undertaking. Depending on the exact CF->SD adapter you choose you may be able to cut a hole in the case to make the card swappable, but I wouldn't count on it.
I know some folks made some "SSDs" that plugged directly in but those just use the CF->SD adapter chipset with permenantly soldered storage.
What do you think, how can I help you in an efficient way, that might also be helpful for others in the future? I mean, we could create a documentation in the process of you're player upgrade?
Generally speaking a have had a few issues with some adapters that I recently ruled out with less cheap adapter options (just what you asked for).
Quote from: mr_2022 on November 01, 2023, 07:55:42 AMGenerally speaking a have had a few issues with some adapters that I recently ruled out with less cheap adapter options (just what you asked for).This is where I'm stuck - I'm not sure which adapters to trust. Some older posts on here used a uSD to 1.8" IDE adapter, but it seems like no one makes this anymore. I have been looking at uSD to 2.5" IDE adapters on AlieExpress but it's not always clear what exact chipset is being used. It seems like the only cheap SD to IDE options use either the FC1306, FC1307 or FC1309 chipsets. From what I can tell the FC1307 or FC1306 are only designed for up to 128GB, although I have heard of people running higher than that. I've read that people have had trouble with the iFlash adapters, not to mention they're quite a bit more expensive.
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