Due to a bloating of the original battery with 1500 mAh (runtime at that time: 8 hours) after 1.5 years of use, I replaced it with one with 2000mAh.
Runtime with the new battery: 27 hours (!) playing mp3-files.
Time until the battery is fully charged: 4 hours.
The exchange was very easy after opening the player (see video above - by 2 soldering points) and the battery fits perfectly into the case.
Battery data:"EREMIT LiPo Battery Lithium Polymer 2000mAh 3.7 V 1S Powerbank 634168 PCB 27"
Length: 68mm
Width: 41mm
Height: 6.3mm
Weight: 35g
Rated voltage: 3.7V
Capacity: at least 2000 mAh
Date of production in my case: Dec. 2022
Price including shipping: 14 €
Source of reference:
https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07XDM4NDRQuestion:Is it possible to adjust the expected remaining runtime (visible under System > Rockbox Info)?
Here, only exactly 13 hours are displayed with a full charge. I think referring to a battery with 1300 mAh (according to: Plugins > Applications > battery_bench).
The percentage is correct.