Hey i just want to let you notice that i have found a way to restore my ipod mini with the 128gb card. Had some (minor) problems with rockbox-->panic screen-->could not write on a special sector or so. So i decided to try it at first with the normal apple os.
1.First i formatted the sd card in the ipod to fat32 using aoemi
2. Itunes now recognised my ipod but as "damaged" and offered me to repair it
3. now i needed the Program EaseUS Partition Master. I havent found a similar function somewhere else but maybe someone knows another program? the free version is enough! It has a function repair MBR. Prepare yourself to start it later (step 5)
4. start the repair program on itunes
5. close before the repair bar finishes in itunes start the MBR Repair in EaseUS for your ipod
6.disconnect/reconnect the ipod-->voila it was working
(7. rockbox installation was now without problems during the installation process possible but as i said i had some problems when running it)
Sadly i cant tell you why it works this way. Probably itunes gives us/(me) not the correct mbr for the 128gb SD Card and then Windows/Itunes sees a faulty Drive/Partition-->nothing works afterwards. The timing of the MB repair in EaseUS seems to be crucial but i am still not sure...
For my Ipod mini 2nd gen/4gb i have used now a SanDisk Extreme Pro SDXC UHS-I 128gb SD Card (maybe overkill but i have never made a bad experience with them) and a cheap (the cheapest

) CF to SD card adapter from ebay+ a new battery.
Thank you all for your quick help and the knowledge that i found in this forum/on the rockbox website!
Have a nice evening/good start in the week
Greets Stulle/Georg from Berlin =)