Rockbox Development > Starting Development and Compiling

AlbumArt not shown in UISimulator

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I successfully compiled an UISim for the iPod 6G and the Cowon D2 using recent Ubuntu, but AlbumArt is not shown in the WPS or in pictureflow. I use Folder.jpg in every folder and it works on the actual device. Selecting the file in the browser shows the image in the UISim tough. How can I solve this issue?

Kind regards

Have you tried folder.jpg? ie all lowercase. I know that might sound unlikely but on one of my Rockboxed players only the lowercase version works.

Hello Thew,

thank you for your response. Your suggestion solved the problem. All albumart is shown now in WPS and pictureflow. I am wondering if there is a reason, that there is case sensitivity. How could this be changed, because I ddon't really like to rename all files.

Kind regards

The sim uses the host OS to access files -- in your case Linux -- and it's case sensitive because Linux is case sensitive. If you compile and run the sim on a case insensitive OS, like Windows, it would be case insensitive.

Rockbox itself is generally case insensitive which is why "Folder.jpg" is OK on the device, but the sim doesn't bother to emulate that detail because it usually doesn't matter.

Thank you amachronic for your explanantion. I think I understood. I am wondering if I could "teach" the simulator to accept "Folder.jpg" as albumart. I had a look at the source code, but can't make sense of it. "folder.jpg" is mentioned here: Are there any changes in the code possible to make the UISimulator accepr Folder.jpg?


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