Support and General Use > Audio Playback, Database and Playlists

ErosQ - Stereo channels swapping around

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I have an audio file (in OGG) composed of a voice saying "left channel" and "right channel" on the respective audio channels for checking the polarity of some unmarked headphones. I have now noticed that the polarity seems to randomly change. Sometimes it's wrong (or maybe right?) when I start up the player, sometimes it's the other way around, and sometimes after I've played a few other tracks and I go back to the stereo test, it has swapped around.

Can you link your test file? That sounds bizarre. Curious if I can reproduce it here.


--- Quote from: dconrad on March 16, 2023, 09:32:04 PM ---Can you link your test file? That sounds bizarre. Curious if I can reproduce it here.

--- End quote ---
Yes, of course. Here you go:

I am able to reproduce it - not by rebooting the player or by repeatedly stopping and playing the test file, but only by switching back and forth between the test file and some other file. It does seem to be about a 50% shot which way around the channels are.

My gut say it has something to do with the way we're feeding the data to the DAC on this particular device, but I would also like to try some different file types (both of the test file and the "alternate file") and see if there is any influence there.

Edit: I converted the test file to flac and the issue still occurs, so it's not a file type issue.

Also tried it on m3k, and couldn't seem to reproduce it there. So whatever it is, it's unique to the eros q.


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