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By running the recovery from the SD card, I meant the way that Fiio suggests.
Only start recovery from usb mode (firmware) works, so it turns out that the first level boot loader works.
A recovery mode from the card does not work because the second level boot loader (firmware) is faulty.
I found a rebuild tool for jz4760b processor which I think is suitable for this application. USB burning tool from ingenic. This is the program xduuo uses to flash the X10 via pc. But the problem is i don't have the right firmware version for this program.
I assume that the update files from fiio do not carry all of the system files (maybe there is no second level boot loader).
Maybe there are some options to dump the firmware from a working device?
This means either the SPL (1st stage) or the main bootloader / kernel (2nd stage+) is broken. Or, your entire flash chip is broken.
Yeah, I know about it but I have never used it. I believe vitt13 asked Fiio and got them to send the needed firmware and configuration files. You could try asking Fiio again; otherwise you may be able to assemble a config by hand if you can get a hold of the firmware files you need.
QuoteMaybe there are some options to dump the firmware from a working device? In theory it can be done, but Rockbox has no tools for this (at least for the JZ4760). Maybe the Ingenic burn tool supports dumping the flash? I'm not sure if any open source-tools exist.
Recovery modeThe JZ4760 chip has a usb recovery mode documented in the datasheet. The xDuoo X3 can be put in this mode by the following procedure: Turn off the device Push the ESC/Home button While holding the ESC/Home button down, plug in the USB cable The screen will stay black and the device will then register itself as a Ingenic device: 601a:4760 Ingenic Semiconductor Ltd. When in recovery mode, the device uses a custom protocol documented in the datasheet. There is a tool in the rockbox repository to send commands to the device.Ingenic Windows 32 and 64-bit drivers for the device in recovery mode can be found in this archive: ftp://ftp.ingenic.cn/DevSupport/Tools/USBBurner/USBBurnTool_V1.6.0.rar. We have tools to interact with the recovery mode of the ingenic: see utils/jz4740_tools/jz4740_usbtool.c and utils/hwstub/ in our repository.
It seems there is IPL and SPL dumper tool for jz4760b under/utils/hwstub/tools/lua/fiiox3ii.luaand probably needs to change nand config for installed Fidelix fmn1sd5tbs.But 'hwstub' has to be compiled from source code under Linux. Is it possible to make build for Windows?
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