hi all,
i'm attempting to download older builds from git (my plugin was written for an older version of the plugin API).
i can see a bunch of the old branches if i do:
git clone git://git.rockbox.org/rockbox -vv
two of them interest me in particular (don't understand the difference between the two but anyhow):
want 2ee456528104451945c2e8370eea513e1831f55b (refs/heads/v3.12)
want 103f12d78b0dfb22248fe0d4a399ab5d1ce92df6 (refs/tags/v3.12-final)
basically i'm trying to download 3.12 of rockbox.
here's probably where i'm doing something wrong, to get it i do:
git clone git://git.rockbox.org/rockbox --single-branch 103f12d78b0dfb22248fe0d4a399ab5d1ce92df6
but it seems to still be the latest stable release (f8d1f791be is shown when i compile it, which is the latest stable release).
what am i doing wrong? i'm fairly sure i'm just too much of a n00b to know the command to download the older branch properly.
thanks in advance for any help you all are very nice