I hope everything works. Some time ago, I tried to swap the storage too, but caan't remember if I have ever succeeded or which adapter I used. What do you use?
Thank you very much, yes it indeed works pretty well!
I'm using an 64gb msata ssd on a cheap sata to IDE ZIF adaptor, together with another ZIF to CE adaptor.
Initially i wanted to use compact flash, as this sata solution already caused troubles with rockbox on my ipod video.
But the m:robe wouldn't accept any of my CF cards, except my 256gb card i already planned to use elsewhere.
Also it's limited to 128gb, but this CF card has been the fastest and most stable solution otherwise.
The SSD is really heating up a lot, even though the transfer speed never exceeds 1,3Mb/s
If that build works for you hit us up here with details and later on IRC when you have some time to test builds
Sure, just let me know how i can help you debugging the issue.
Never used IRC before, but i'll have a look around.