Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
readID opcode = FF C9 51 C8readID address = C8 51 C8 51readID dummy = C8 51 C8 51sfc params0 = 06 05 04 03sfc params1 = 02 55 AA 55sfc params2 = 00 2B 02 02sfc params3 = B4 2F 00 00
It's a new NAND device (GD5F1GQ5xExx). It's nearly identical to the GD5F1GQ4xExx which is already supported. Try this bootloader, you should be able to get a backup with it. Either check the backup with hexdump yourself, or post it here and I'll check it, just to make sure it looks sane before you go doing any destructive
signature = FFFFFFFFrevision = FFFFmanufacturer = "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ"device model = "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ"JEDEC mf. id = FFdata bytes per page = 4294967295spare bytes per page = 65535pages per block = 4294967295blocks per lun = 4294967295number of luns = 255bits per cell = 255max bad blocks = 65535block endurance = 65535programs per page = 255page program time = 65535block erase time = 65535page read time = 65535
readID opcode = FF C8 51 C8readID address = C8 51 C8 51readID dummy = C8 51 C8 51sfc params0 = 06 05 04 03sfc params1 = 02 55 AA 55sfc params2 = 00 2B 02 02sfc params3 = B4 2F 00 00
And a dump of the bootloader is uploaded here: , does it look reasonable?
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