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Surfans F20 "NAND open error"

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I'm new to the forums and Rockbox, but I've installed it on a Sandisk Clip Zip without much issue. The problem is  I bought a Surfans F20 and I can't install Rockbox on it.
I've tried using the Rockbox Utility but after using the firmware from the company itself, the utility constantly crashes.
SO I tried to use the native port and got farther, but now it's telling me "NAND open error (5)" I tried using two different mircoSD cards and even changing the partition from GPT to MBR but it's not working. Does anyone have any advice or help? I'm kinda stumped here.

Update: I manually installed the bootloader and that fixed all my problems. I guess I'm newer to all this than I thought. Whoops!

I'm not sure if the native port has been tested on the Surfans F20. The NAND open error is a bit odd. Usually this would mean your flash chip is not supported, but since it worked eventually... meh. It's good you got it working, though!

Nevermind, ignore


--- Quote from: SelectOkay on May 16, 2022, 08:41:47 PM ---Update: I manually installed the bootloader and that fixed all my problems. I guess I'm newer to all this than I thought. Whoops!

--- End quote ---
Did you manage to install the native port, or are you running the hosted port now? If you installed the native port, I'd love to hear how you did it, as I'm having the exact same issue.


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