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#AUDIOSCROBBLER/1.1#TZ/UNKNOWN#CLIENT/Rockbox ipodvideo $Revision$#ARTIST #ALBUM #TITLE #TRACKNUM #LENGTH #RATING #TIMESTAMP #MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID2-4297-bf05-c2a67b09c40cBilly Talent Billy Talent II Red Flag 2 196 S 1680430715 5ee8e632-4c88-49e4-ab07-0626fbc196eb
Data abort at 03f8074c (0)pc: 03f8074csp: 000d6de0bt end
The Scrobbler plugin seems to be causing Rockbox to crash. I'd submit a bug on rockbox.org/tracker, but the register page is broken (gives a fatal error). So, might as well mention it here.Edit: Also tested with Daily Build 2747e920ba-230617 on iPod Video 5.5Info: Daily Build 666a836227-230609 on iPod Video 5.5What causes crash:Switching between songs, either manually or as the song progresses, causes Rockbox to randomly crash. The crash states:Code: [Select]Data abort at 03f8074c (0)pc: 03f8074csp: 000d6de0bt endAfter turning off the Scrobbler plugin and switching between nearly 100 songs does not result in a crash. Turning the plugin back on causes a crash within 10 or so songs.The last version of Rockbox I used before this was Daily Build b6d04d1ac0-230310, and the error did not happen then.Edit: Reverted my Rockbox install to the 230310 build, no issues so far while running the Scrobbler plugin. It looks like there must have been either an update to the plugin or (more likely) Rockbox itself that is causing the crash between March 10 2023 and June 9 2023.Will gladly provide any additional information that I can.EDIT: After some experimentation, it seems that setting VERBOSE to NO is what causes the crash. When setting VERBOSE to YES, it seems to act normally. Going to test this by having a 20 song playlist play with VERBOSE set to YES, following by trying again with VERBOSE set to NO. Will report back.EDIT EDIT: Nope. Crashed even when VERBOSE set to YES. Tried setting to default settings, and when rebooting Rockbox and starting up the plugin, it still will crash after about 5 songs.
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