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I don't disagree that it would be nice to have cover art directly integrated into the database browser. Doesn't seem like a trivial endeavour though...
I just noticed the "update cache" function isn't actually working and instead does the same thing as "rebuild cache". The "preparing artwork" step should go a *lot* quicker when you've only updated the database, once that's been fixed. The previous stages for building the index will still require the database cache in RAM to work at a reasonable speed though.
committing tagcachemaster file open failed for R/Wcommit 83080 entries...Building index: 0master file open failed for R/Wtag file open failed: tag=0 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_0.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileCreating new DBinserting new tags...donesorted 6084 tagsupdating indices...doneupdating new indices...dones:0/162792/162792Building index: 1tag file open failed: tag=1 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_1.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileinserting new tags...donesorted 7214 tagsupdating indices...doneupdating new indices...dones:1/267032/429824Building index: 2tag file open failed: tag=2 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_2.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileinserting new tags...donesorted 478 tagsupdating indices...doneupdating new indices...dones:2/13120/442944Building index: 3tag file open failed: tag=3 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_3.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileinserting new tags...donesorted 83080 tagsupdating indices...doneupdating new indices...dones:3/2466776/2909720Building index: 4tag file open failed: tag=4 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_4.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileupdating new indices...dones:4/6836063/2909720Building index: 5tag file open failed: tag=5 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_5.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileinserting new tags...donesorted 3484 tagsupdating indices...doneupdating new indices...dones:5/141784/3051504Building index: 6tag file open failed: tag=6 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_6.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileinserting new tags...donesorted 29615 tagsupdating indices...doneupdating new indices...dones:6/3677784/6729288Building index: 7tag file open failed: tag=7 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_7.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileinserting new tags...donesorted 1226 tagsupdating indices...doneupdating new indices...dones:7/32112/6761400Building index: 8tag file open failed: tag=8 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_8.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileinserting new tags...donesorted 41128 tagsupdating indices...doneupdating new indices...dones:8/1415504/8176904Building index: 12tag file open failed: tag=12 write=1 file=/.rockbox/database_12.tcdlookup_buffer_depth=83082commit_entry_count=83081Loading index fileinserting new tags...donesorted 6085 tagsupdating indices...doneupdating new indices...dones:12/162816/8339720Building numeric indices...83080/83080 entries processedtagcache committedtagcache built!tagcache check done
loading tagcache to ram...
tagcache loaded into ram!utilization: 99%
Really noticeable that it makes an order-of-magnitude difference to the speed of building pictureflow indexes if the database is actually cached to RAM. Still can't quite work out what persuades it to actually do that. Sometimes it's just a case of leaving it alone for a while (during which time the disk-activity indicator is shown - maybe it just takes a long time to read the whole thing from the flash storage?)I haven't been able to test the revamped "update cover art" option because until/unless the increased buffer-size patch gets merged the later dev versions won't work for me due to that running out of memory issue. Unless I can get dev environment working again and build my own patched version, of course.
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