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Need Help, please share Original FW file named "" or "mesv12us.iso"

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Anyone, please help me sharing the Original FW. for my Gigabeat Mev30k, which I need to restore and update its FW.

Due to all links I found dead.

Thank you.

I don't know it's too late for posting this topic or not?

Thank you in advance. :D

For the MEV series :  gbvk_update_1_1_us.exe
If useful, dropping that here --

If looking for for the S series I have : gbs_update_1_3_us.exe
Dropped that one here :

Thank you.

I tried but not success :(


--- Quote from: burkjavier on August 13, 2021, 06:32:30 PM ---For the MEV series :  gbvk_update_1_1_us.exe
If useful, dropping that here --

If looking for for the S series I have : gbs_update_1_3_us.exe
Dropped that one here :

--- End quote ---

The MEV, is this original firmware? I sent the nk.bin by beastpatcher into my gigabeat successfully, but then reboot on Window loading and stuck there.


--- Quote from: hlpmktu on August 14, 2021, 02:43:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: burkjavier on August 13, 2021, 06:32:30 PM ---For the MEV series :  gbvk_update_1_1_us.exe
If useful, dropping that here --

If looking for for the S series I have : gbs_update_1_3_us.exe
Dropped that one here :

--- End quote ---

The MEV, is this original firmware? I sent the nk.bin by beastpatcher into my gigabeat successfully, but then reboot on Window loading and stuck there.

--- End quote ---

Anyone else have Official / Original FW???  Pleaseeeee...


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