Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
dconrad can you please try loading the fiio recovery with that and tell me the error code it gives? I'll need you to post the recovery kernel image too, which can now be dumped via the debug tools menu. Thanks!This is the recovery kernel I dumped from my unit (for comparison):
*PANIC*TLB refill handler at 0x800272fc! [0x4]
I also have some suggestions to make the guide clearer:- On Step 5 there is a sentence that reads "Use the buttons on your to select Backup under the Bootloader menu.". There is a missing word between "your" and "to". Also should this specify that the volume buttons must be used to navigate?- Personally I didn't know what to do after I completed Step 5, I didn't know what option to chose in the bootloader screen. Perhaps a sentence can be added to tell users to pick [Boot Select]->Rockbox if they wish to load into Rockbox.
On a side note, does anyone have tips for removing the micro SD card from the m3k? I don't need to remove it but upon trying to it seems really stuck in there. I don't want to damage the thing if I ever need to remove it.
You'll need to post the RB version (System > Rockbox Info) for that message to be useful. Also, did it occur in Rockbox or the bootloader USB mode?
I have two M3Ks and the SD cards on both spring out with no problem after a slight push inwards. However, I remember when the player first came out there were a couple of reviews that mentioned cards getting stuck so perhaps some have a fault.
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