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Looking for Beta Testers for next release

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peterz the lua plugin has nothing to do with the other issues I just missed one when I changed the api


looking at the source I did indeed get that one,

when you put on your new builds did you just copy over an existing install?

can you try renaming your current .rockbox folder and then unzip the latest dev version on there clean?

that could also be your issue with the backlight exemptions..

I did a clean install.
Unzipped the latest  build, renamed the .rockbox folder on the DX90 to XXX, and copied .rockbox from the latest build onto DX90.
Rebooted and ... still have the problems (the battery icon shows as plugged in, whether it is or not. - I have to change defaults to get to the other problems, but they still exist when I do.) As far as the backlight exemptions - the volume, seek/skip keys do work as they should, it is just the play/pause key that always lights up the backlight.  It does this even in the August 2020 build.

The rest of the issues go away when I install the August 2020 build, or a June 9 2015 build I originally was using.

I did notice that in the 2020 build, when plugged into USB power and the USB option set to charge only, the battery icon shows as charging (with a sawtooth line in the icon) and this does not happen in the latest builds.


I just put this on a HiFiMan HM-801 and so far everything is working alright. At one point I did get a strange "Scanning Disk" or something to that effect that seemed to prevent input soon after doing a database scan, but since then, there haven't been any issues. I haven't tested everything as I've just been playing around on the 801 today, but I will update if I do run in to any issues.

Rockbox works fine on my Sony NWZ-E370 .
On my Creative Zen Mozaic works OK , charging even works  in Rockbox .
Thank YOU.

Are latest builds stable enough for everyday use ?


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