Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
Quote from: mrsubway on November 24, 2024, 09:27:39 PMEros Q Native 11/24/2024. I'm getting just a white screen on the Hifi Walker H2. I went back to 11/20/2024 and everything is back to normal. First, please try the 20241122 daily to make sure this is due to the hw4 enablement work.Second, we need to know what hardware version you're using. This can be inferred from the firmware version the device was shipped with. It's also reported in the debug info/device data menu, under 'lcd version'. Or both, preferably.Meanwihle, the person responsible for that native port is out of reach for about a week. So nothing is likely to happen on this until then.
Eros Q Native 11/24/2024. I'm getting just a white screen on the Hifi Walker H2. I went back to 11/20/2024 and everything is back to normal.
255. I believe the device came with 1.5 beta which I changed to just 1.5. I'll check the other daily build when I get home.
Quote from: mrsubway on November 25, 2024, 03:07:52 PM255. I believe the device came with 1.5 beta which I changed to just 1.5. I'll check the other daily build when I get home.Ok.. so the bootdata is invalid; this means you have an old bootloader.You will need to Install the latest bootloader; see the isntructions on the wiki page under 'native port installation' --
jztool on Windows--I wanted to be able to backup the bootloader. I've uploaded it here: just received the reply from Hifi Walker. They say that there is "no update package for the time being" and that "Older versions of the player cannot be upgraded to 2.0"
If we can't get an image from hifiwalker, you could re-install your backup and then do a whole dump of the player's flash, that's better to have than nothing.
Any chance you'd be willing to try the stock updater method? I'm just trying to figure out if it will accept the same update image as the surfans units. It will either work and re-install the exact same bootloader you already have, or it will reject it because it has the wrong device name string (erosq_2024).
Not sure if anybody's mentioned this yet, but I recently managed to install the native port on a Hifi Walker H2 v2.0 using the hw4 bootloader. Seems like nothing important's changed since v1.9.I've also emailed the manufacturer asking for an upgrade package. Will report back if they get back to me.
Quote from: kylemsguy on December 01, 2024, 08:02:42 PMNot sure if anybody's mentioned this yet, but I recently managed to install the native port on a Hifi Walker H2 v2.0 using the hw4 bootloader. Seems like nothing important's changed since v1.9.I've also emailed the manufacturer asking for an upgrade package. Will report back if they get back to me.Hi, I'm just now getting into rockbox. I have a Hifi Walker H2 v1.9 -- from what I'm reading and finding, does this mean I can follow instructions for Surfans F20 v3.4 since both run on hw4? If I have to use the google drive that's linked, what are some search terms I can look up to correctly get this running on my walker?Thanks!
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