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I bought a Surfans F20 recently and it came with firmware 3.3 which isn't listed on the chart. I contacted Surfans and they gave me the firmware file here:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kjjgM_mzN4b1LxhLORmO8yizG6O94p6E
Oh, that's awesome, thank you for getting this! I've added it to the wiki page.If you don't mind, can you also ask Surfans if it is safe to update older v3.x versions of the firmware with this one?
Installing the new bootloader of your Google Drive link"erosqnative_a7cfee640d-240909-hw3-erosq.upt.upt" renamed to "update.upt" and running the stock recovery/updater tool works for me.But it shows after restarting the player: "Error loading Rockbox - File not found".The ".rockbox"-folder with the erosqnative version: 7e31b73eda-240910 is copied into the root directory of the SD card.I tried two different SD cards formated in fat32.Model: Surfans F20, original firmware v3.3.
Yes, it's a fresh installation, new player.Yes, I grabbed the Native build. To check this out again, I also tried your download link. The rockbox-info.txt shows:Target: erosqnative Version: 7e31b73eda-240910.I don't have a"rockbox_main.aigo_erosqn" redirect file on the card.Booting into the stock firmware (Hold Play + Power) works.
I checked my first SD card - came with the player:32 GB - capacity 29818 MB, file system: FAT32Partition style: Master Boot Record (MBR).The card came in FAT32 format and after failed tests I reformated it with standard Windows 11 quick format in also FAT32.
The error was apparently really due to the SD cards. I have now removed the SD card from my XDuoo X3 and installed ".rockbocks" for Surfans F20 Native. It is running.But it is inexplicable to me why the original SD card and a Samsung EVO Select seem to have an error.Many thanks for your very quick help!
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