Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
Quote from: coomer101 on May 19, 2024, 06:48:32 PMI just got a surfans unit with v3.1, would be happy to provide the image/whatever else needed if you tell me how. Also, is there any way to reduce the actual hardware gain? I kinda hate using really sensitive iems because of the hiss. Harder to notice on stock firmware though, the audio probably completely turns off unless there's music playing.Do you mean when something is playing, or when nothing is playing? Are you using the native or hosted port? If the native, could you do me a favor and go to System --> Debug --> View HW info --> Audio and tell me whether it says HWVOL or SWVOL? I'm just curious which method is being used.I believe the hosted port should be using hw volume scaling inherently, and the native port should also be using the hw volume scaling unless they've changed the DAC on us again.
I just got a surfans unit with v3.1, would be happy to provide the image/whatever else needed if you tell me how. Also, is there any way to reduce the actual hardware gain? I kinda hate using really sensitive iems because of the hiss. Harder to notice on stock firmware though, the audio probably completely turns off unless there's music playing.
I took advantage of Ali and amazon sales and got a few more Eros Q and F20 units. I have a good bunch now, both from ~2022 and now these more current batches. Eros q is on ofw 1.9. I'm using the native port with the newer bootloader that was re-posted a few pages back. Can I use this to dump a firmware image for you?
I need to double check my newer F20 units but I'm pretty sure they're all on ofw 3.1. Haven't gotten around to messing with them yet but again would be happy to dump any and all files for you all.
While usb c dac dongles mostly work, some dont and I can't figure out why. For example my Abigail dongle works but my Fiio KA3 doesnt.
The rockbox recovery menu on my eros q 1.9 has "dump OF player" and "dump entire flash" options. Would either of those give you what you need?
Surfans F20 v3.2 Files: of_player.img flash.img erosqnative-boot.bin
And a set of Patches for x1000 / ErosQ v2/v3
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