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A couple years ago, AIGO released an EROS Q II, in two variants -- one that looks the same as the old one, and one without most of the controls, replacing it with a touch-senisitive area. I don't know how the underlying hardware compares to the first-generation, though they made a big deal about how it's more capable, and it also utilizes an ESS 9118 DAC.Last night I discovered that they're also selling an EROS Q v2.0, and that is based on the same X1000+hibyplayer architecture as the original -- And I know this because there's a firmware update file for it. I wasn't able to sufficiently navigate the chinese-only website to find pictures, but based on photos on Aliexpress it seems to be similar to the updated Hifiwalker H2, sporting a USB-C port. (The Q II still has a micro-B USB port)I should be able to patch the Q v2.0 image to enable the hosted port to run on it.
This family of devices is one of the few (if only) rockbox PMPs that are powerful enough to have several EQ filters while playing high res files. I wonder if there's a way to have rockbox recognize AutoEQ configs?I've been "translating" them by hand and it works very well, but it's very tedious. Been brainstorming ways to at least have a bash script convert them PC side then moving them to the payer but my sed and awk skills just aren't there sadly. Anyone else use the parametric EQ? Very underrated feature of rockbox imo
Yes it's a great feature. Try out the site . Assuming you can get the graph to the correct settings you can choose to export/download a rockbox eq file.I think if you correctly install and run the AutoEq command-line app it has the option to output a rockbox eq file as well. The web app is probably faster though.
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