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How do I access the quick screen?


--- Quote from: yuuiko on September 22, 2020, 08:23:46 PM ---Try installing it again, it seems to work for me...

Did you place all files in the correct places?

--- End quote ---

Yeah, just merged the folder.  No idea why it isn't working.  The context menu isn't working right either, though the WPS is. 

I always find it frustrating that neither the ipod nor the simulator gives any useful error messages, if there's any sort of problem they just 'don't work' with no more detailed information.

By the way, is the line in the SBS file
 correct?  Those numbers make me wonder if it's left over from a different resolution player, though I'm not sure what you are trying to do there, so maybe it's supposed to be that?


--- Quote from: Peptobismuh on September 23, 2020, 01:34:56 AM ---How do I access the quick screen?

--- End quote ---

Hold Menu button.

--- Quote from: Frankenpod on September 23, 2020, 04:56:44 AM ---Yeah, just merged the folder.  No idea why it isn't working.  The context menu isn't working right either, though the WPS is. 

I always find it frustrating that neither the ipod nor the simulator gives any useful error messages, if there's any sort of problem they just 'don't work' with no more detailed information.

By the way, is the line in the SBS file
 correct?  Those numbers make me wonder if it's left over from a different resolution player, though I'm not sure what you are trying to do there, so maybe it's supposed to be that?

--- End quote ---

No idea whats wrong with yours then, i've reinstalled the theme and also tried it on another pod, worked fine.

And also actually dunno why thats set to that number, forgotten by now.. Strange though as everything seems to work

Apologies, although it still refuses to work at all for me on the simulator, it does work on the actual ipod (which is the important thing!).
  It seems as if it takes a second or two to fully load and appear as it should, but once it does it works fine (and looks great).

(In fact on the simulator it's as if it gets 'stuck' incompletely-loaded, hence on that the menu screen is missing half of what should be there.  The simulator does occasionally behave differently to the actual ipod, I've noticed)

just tried it using lastest dev build on Eros Q DAP playing screens seams to fall back to some very basic mode. no fancy layout of graphics. does it have to be a ipod?


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