Rockbox General > Announcements
Where did the Fonts go?
I just installed Ver 20060717 and I can't change my fonts. When you select the browse fonts, it does nothing.
********** EDIT *******
Never mind. I figured it out.
for the benefit of users with the same problem stumbling on this thread:
- there's a separate zip downloadable from the daily build page
- or try here:
I made this topic a sticky.
Many users ask this question, I hope this will help a little.
Fonts have been moved from daily and bleeding edge builds (the zip file) to daily build page.
As petur noted, you can find them here:
As soon as old users (and new ones) learn about this change I will unsticky it.
There seems to be a Unicode font missing that I liked very much on my X5. I don't even remember the name but it's not there or not recognizeable any more...pretty sure anyway. It's not in the fonts zip. I take it some font(s) are no longer included? When did it change? ???
Look here:
This site has a vast amount of fonts for Rockbox (unicode too).
Just download the fonts you like and select them in Rockbox.
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