An expanded example
-- Example script to demonstrate the development of a simple Rockbox plugin in LUA.
-- Written by Gabriel Maia (gbl08ma on the Rockbox community).
-- Licensed under GNU GPL v2 or, at your choice, any later version.
-- Function to display the main menu of this script
require "actions"
rb.contexts = nil -- not needed
local act = rb.actions
local last_action = act.ACTION_NONE
-- We can intercept the actions from the menu and add our own functionality
local function menu_callback(action)
if action == act.ACTION_STD_CONTEXT then
last_action = action
action = act.ACTION_STD_OK -- select the item so we get the item#
--rb.splash(0, action)
return action
local function splash_selection(sItem)
-- if s item is nil we will get an error so subsitute <Unknown> in that case
rb.splash(2 * rb.HZ, "You selected " .. sItem or "<Unknown>") --show a message for two seconds
function ShowMainMenu(start) -- we invoke this function every time we want to display the main menu of the script
local mainmenu = {"Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3 >", "Exit"} -- define the items of the menu
local s
while true do -- don't exit of program until user selects Exit
s = rb.do_menu("Test", mainmenu, start, menu_callback) -- actually tell Rockbox to draw the menu
--[[ In the line above: "Test" is the title of the menu, mainmenu is an array with the items
of the menu, nil is a null value that needs to be there, and the last parameter is
whether the theme should be drawn on the menu or not.
the variable s will hold the index of the selected item on the menu.
the index is zero based. This means that the first item is 0, the second one is 1, etc.]]
start = s >= 0 and s or start
if last_action == act.ACTION_STD_CONTEXT and s < 2 then
last_action = act.ACTION_NONE
if ShowContextmenu(s) == -2 then s = -2 end
elseif s == 0 then rb.splash(2 * rb.HZ, "You selected Item 1") --show a message for two seconds
elseif s == 1 then rb.splash(2 * rb.HZ, "You selected Item 2") --show a message for two seconds
elseif s == 2 then return ShowSubmenu1, s -- by returning the next menu function we can use less memory
elseif s == 3 or s == -2 then return nil, s -- exit
else rb.splash(2 * rb.HZ, "Error! Selected index: " .. s)
--[[ something strange happened. The program shows this message when
the selected item is not on the index from 0 to 3 (in this case), and displays
the selected index. Having this type of error handling is not
required, but it might be nice to have specially while you're still
developing the plugin.]]
-- Submenu 1
function ShowSubmenu1(item) -- function to draw the submenu 1, which will be displayed when
-- user selects Item 3 on main menu
local submenu1 = {"Sub Item 1", "Sub Item 2", "< Back", "Exit Now"}
local s1
local start, loop = nil, true
local title = "Item " .. item + 1 .. " menu"
while loop do -- don't exit program until user selects Exit
s1 = rb.do_menu(title, submenu1, nil)
if s1 >= 0 and s1 < 2 then
splash_selection(submenu1[s1 + 1])
return ShowMainMenu, nil
elseif s1 == 2 or s1 == -2 then return ShowMainMenu, item -- go back to main menu
elseif s1 == 3 then loop = false -- exit
-- Submenu 1
function ShowContextmenu(item) -- function to draw the submenu 1, which will be displayed when
-- user long presses Item 1/2 on main menu
local ctxmenu1 = {"Ctx Item 1", "Ctx Item 2", "Return"}
local s1
local title = "Context Menu Item: " .. item + 1
s1 = rb.do_menu(title, ctxmenu1, nil)
if s1 >= 0 and s1 < 2 then
splash_selection(ctxmenu1[s1 + 1])
return -- go back
code written out of any function will be executed when the file is "played" on the file browser.
if you don't put anything out of a function (not even a call to the main function, like we do here),
the script will simply do nothing.
local nextmenu, item = ShowMainMenu, nil
while nextmenu do
nextmenu, item = nextmenu(item) -- display menu