Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
Booting...Loading firmware...Open: /.rockbox/rockbox.m3kfile size = 685012try to read checksumRead: 685004 @ 800811C4Verify checksumSuccess
Now '-j' with no number is a special case, it actually means 'no limit', and is rarely a good idea.
dconrad, I pushed another update to g#3290. This one is more complicated and I included instructions in the commit message. If anything's unclear then please ask. If you have the time and inclination this weekend, we could get on IRC and maybe figure this out faster.
Passed close()load_firmware: ret=683948load_firmware: exitJumping...ipr0:00000000 ipr1:00000000irq epc:8000FF28t = 15130638
/* On line 111... */ uint32_t* addr = (uint32_t*)(loadbuffer + (0x8007f3d0/*<< change this */ - 0x80004000)); while(1) { lcd_fillrect(0, LCD_HEIGHT - 48, LCD_WIDTH, 12); ....
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