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Speaking from personal experience here: I also tried one of those iFlash mSATA adapters out in an iPod Video, with a 128GB SSD. While installation isn't so bad, I've had nothing but pain and suffering trying to get Rockbox working on this combination. Some of the issues I've experienced include:Restoring the device in iTunes wasn't an issue, but the device never showed up afterwards as a proper FAT32 volume on my Linux desktop. If I tried formatting the partition as FAT32, the iPod's firmware would complain and ask me to restore it again, even if I backup its folders beforehand.Related to the first point above, I could install Rockbox on the iPod, but then on startup, the bootloader would scream about not being able to find a FAT32 volume.Removing the mSATA drive from the adapter and putting it into an enclosure to examine in GParted revealed that the drive had an "Unknown" filesystem on its primary partition. Evoking "fdisk -l" in the terminal showed me that the drive (let's call it /dev/sdi for convenience's sake) had two partitions: "/dev/sdi1" and "/dev/sdi2". /dev/sdi1 was approximately 100MB big, which is correct, and is an unknown filesystem, which is also correct; this is the iPod firmware partition. /dev/sdi2, on the other hand, was also an unknown filesystem, and was the rest of the volume's capacity. This isn't correct; the larger partition should be either FAT32 or HFS+, depending on if it was restored in Windows or a Mac.I finally gave up on getting the iFlash to work after a while and decided to pick up a 128GB SSD I found on Amazon for pretty cheap: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TPLKQLS/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_10?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1I went with this SSD for two reasons: one, it's the correct size and connector for the iPod Video (and the Classic, in turn!), and two, since it's a proper PATA device, it'll function just as a hard drive should. And sure enough, it hasn't given me one lick of trouble at all since it's been in my iPod Video. I do get improved battery life and the peace of mind that my iPod has no moving parts in it anymore, and I also get expanded capacity for music, and Rockbox happily functions with it in place. If anything, an SSD like this is a far more viable option for those wanting to make their iPods solid state, since you're ensured better compatibility and it's good for those on a budget.
I think the file-writing errors appear only randomly and occasionally and can be subtle (but for others can completely screw-up playback). And they appear to vary depending on the type and brand of card used. Some people say they never have any problems, others find playback is hopeless and is only fixed by syncing with the original-firmware. Have you tried building the database on the ipod? That seems to frequently reveal the problem. Also have you tried using some sort of 'fingerprinting' software to do a precise comparison between files on the ipod and the original? You might find there are differences even if you don't notice them in playing.
Give a Dev an iFlash iPod
Hi, i wish i had seen or been informed about this issue before i purchased the quad SD card flash and a 128GB Sandisk Ultra Pro card. I can transfer files across and some play but certain tracks ALAC 1005kbps VBR completely crash the Rockbox software. Its very frustrating. I get a data abort at4000c908 and the player locks up requiring a reboot to get working again but it never plays the file further than the same point. I tried the different versions of Rockbox including the development version, the stable version and the release candidate. I wont lie, rockbox has been a real anticlimax so far. It looks like an amazing piece of software and teases great functionality but so far its completely unusable with an iflash. I noticed people selling these online on eBay as 500gb etc, how have they managed to make them work ? or are they selling bricks?
Everyone still fighting with these iFlash adapter issues, please try a daily build from 2020-07-13 or newer, and let us know how it goes.
Quote from: speachy on July 13, 2020, 07:53:14 PMEveryone still fighting with these iFlash adapter issues, please try a daily build from 2020-07-13 or newer, and let us know how it goes.I tried with one the latest daily build for Ipod Mini 2g. File playback now seems to work. But when initialising the DB I get this error. It will then fail to boot once and then successfully boot.
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