Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
require("settings") --settings.lualocal var = {offset = 1, size = 2, type = 3}local function bytesLE_n(str) str = str or "" local tbyte={str:byte(1, -1)} local bpos = 1 local num = 0 for k = 1,#tbyte do -- (k = #t, 1, -1 for BE) num = num + tbyte[k] * bpos bpos = bpos * 256 end return numendlocal function format_val(val, var_type) local ret = val or 0 local s_bool = {"False", "True"} if var_type == "str" then ret = val elseif string.find(var_type, "^b") then if(bytesLE_n(val) <= 0) then ret = s_bool[1] else ret = s_bool[2] end elseif string.find(var_type, "^u_i") then -- Lua integers are signed so we need to do a bit of extra processing ret = string.format("%u", bytesLE_n(val)) elseif var_type ~= nil then ret = bytesLE_n(val) end return tostring(ret)endlocal function get_array_elems(st_type) --extract the number of elements local elems = string.match(st_type,".*%[(%d+)%]") return tonumber(elems) or 0endlocal function get_struct_name(st_type) --extract the name of a struct local name = string.match(st_type,"^s_([^%[%]%s]+)") return nameendlocal function dump_struct(s_settings, struct_name, elems, k, v, t_output) --Internal function dumps structs local val, offset, fmtstr, s local s_t = rb.system[struct_name] if elems > 0 then fmtstr = "%s[%d].%s = %s" local elem_size = (v[var.size] / elems) for i = 0, elems - 1 do for k1, v1 in pairs(s_t) do offset = v[var.offset] + v1[var.offset] + (elem_size * i) val = rb[s_settings](offset, v1[var.size]) s = string.format (fmtstr, k, i, k1, format_val(val, v1[var.type])) t_output[#t_output + 1] = s end end else fmtstr = "%s.%s = %s" for k1, v1 in pairs(s_t) do offset = v[var.offset] + v1[var.offset] val = rb[s_settings](offset, v1[var.size]) s = string.format (fmtstr, k, k1, format_val(val, v1[var.type])) t_output[#t_output + 1] = s end endendlocal function dump_settings(s_settings) local t_output = {} local val, offset, fmtstr, s for k, v in pairs(rb.system[s_settings]) do local elems = get_array_elems(v[var.type]) local struct_name = get_struct_name(v[var.type]) if struct_name then dump_struct(s_settings, struct_name, elems, k, v, t_output) else if elems > 0 then fmtstr = "%s[%d] = %s" local elem_size = (v[var.size] / elems) for i = 0, elems - 1 do offset = v[var.offset] + (elem_size * i) val = rb[s_settings](offset, elem_size) s = string.format (fmtstr, k, i, format_val(val, v[var.type])) t_output[#t_output + 1] = s end else fmtstr = "%s = %s" offset = v[var.offset] val = rb[s_settings](offset, v[var.size]) s = string.format (fmtstr, k, format_val(val, v[var.type])) t_output[#t_output + 1] = s end end end return t_outputendlocal filename = "/settings.txt"local file =, "w+") -- overwritelocal t_settingsif not file then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Error writing " .. filename) returnendt_settings = dump_settings('global_status')file:write("global_status:\n")file:write(table.concat(t_settings, "\n"))file:write("\n\n")t_settings = dump_settings('global_settings')file:write("global_settings:\n")file:write(table.concat(t_settings, "\n"))file:write("\n\n")file:close()-- this is how you would write a setting and save it--local start_directory = rb.system.global_settings.start_directory--rb.global_settings(start_directory[1], start_directory[2], "/.rockbox")--rb.settings_save()--endoffile
global_status:last_screen = 0viewer_icon_count = 0resume_elapsed = 174217resume_crc32 = 4294967295runtime = 0resume_index = 0last_frequency = 0font_id[0] = 0topruntime = 379last_volume_change = 0resume_offset = 2963338global_settings:rec_stop_thres_db = -45qs_items[0] = -1qs_items[1] = 8qs_items[2] = 13qs_items[3] = -1peak_meter_release = 8browse_current = Falsebacklight_fade_out = Trueroot_menu_customized = Falsescroll_step = 6colors_file = -eq_enabled = Falsecrossfeed_cross_gain = 4294967236replaygain_settings.noclip = Falsereplaygain_settings.preamp = 0replaygain_settings.type = 2show_path_in_browser = 1pbe_precut = -25sbs_file = -bg_color = 0rec_start_duration = 0timeformat = 0show_filename_ext = 3bl_filter_first_keypress = Falseff_rewind_min_step = 1lang_file = viewers_icon_file = tango_icons_viewers.16x16alarm_wake_up_screen = 0bass = 0crossfade_fade_in_delay = 0play_frequency = 0rec_sizesplit = 0peak_meter_dbfs = Truecaption_backlight = Falseinvert = Falsefm_region = 0eq_band_settings[0].q = 7eq_band_settings[0].cutoff = 32eq_band_settings[0].gain = 0eq_band_settings[1].q = 10eq_band_settings[1].cutoff = 64eq_band_settings[1].gain = 0eq_band_settings[2].q = 10eq_band_settings[2].cutoff = 125eq_band_settings[2].gain = 0eq_band_settings[3].q = 10eq_band_settings[3].cutoff = 250eq_band_settings[3].gain = 0eq_band_settings[4].q = 10eq_band_settings[4].cutoff = 500eq_band_settings[4].gain = 0eq_band_settings[5].q = 10eq_band_settings[5].cutoff = 1000eq_band_settings[5].gain = 0eq_band_settings[6].q = 10eq_band_settings[6].cutoff = 2000eq_band_settings[6].gain = 0eq_band_settings[7].q = 10eq_band_settings[7].cutoff = 4000eq_band_settings[7].gain = 0eq_band_settings[8].q = 10eq_band_settings[8].cutoff = 8000eq_band_settings[8].gain = 0eq_band_settings[9].q = 7eq_band_settings[9].cutoff = 16000eq_band_settings[9].gain = 0bt_selective_softlock_actions = Falsesurround_balance = 35fade_on_stop = Truechannel_config = 0autoresume_paths = /podcast:/podcastsrec_split_method = 0list_separator_height = 0lse_color = 46176cuesheet = Falsenext_folder = 0touchpad_sensitivity = 13crossfeed_direct_gain = 4294967281fms_file = cabbiev2hold_lr_for_scroll_in_list = Truescroll_speed = 9rec_start_thres_linear = 5lss_color = 65363glyphs_to_cache = 250crossfeed_hf_attenuation = 4294967136cursor_style = 3sort_dir = 0list_accel_wait = 3sleeptimer_on_startup = Falseplaylist_viewer_icons = Truetimestretch_enabled = Falsepeak_meter_clip_hold = 16playlist_viewer_track_display = 0rec_timesplit = 0volume = -25dirfilter = 1car_adapter_mode = Falseconstrain_next_folder = Falsepeak_meter_hold = 3afr_enabled = 0tagcache_autoupdate = Falsebattery_display = 0kbd_file = -crossfeed = 0pitch_mode_timestretch = Falserec_stop_postrec = 0keypress_restarts_sleeptimer = Falsetalk_dir = 0peak_meter_max = 0crossfade_fade_out_mixmode = 0pitch_mode_semitone = Falseautoupdatebookmark = Falsesort_case = Falsecrossfade = 0backlight_fade_in = Truemax_files_in_playlist = 10000mp3_enc_config.bitrate = 11battery_capacity = 550autoloadbookmark = 0surround_mix = 50surround_method2 = Falsehotkey_wps = 1rec_frequency = 4autoresume_enable = Falserec_editable = Falsesurround_fx1 = 3400rec_prerecord_time = 0volume_limit = 12scroll_delay = 1000start_directory = /depth_3d = 0resume_rewind = 0hotkey_tree = 0fmr_file = -show_icons = Trueplaylist_viewer_indices = Trueusemrb = 0beep = 0bidir_limit = 50playlist_catalog_dir = //Playlistsscreen_scroll_step = 16sleeptimer_duration = 30volume_type = 0compressor_settings.threshold = 0compressor_settings.knee = 1compressor_settings.makeup_gain = 1compressor_settings.ratio = 1compressor_settings.attack_time = 5compressor_settings.release_time = 500pause_rewind = 0ui_vp_config = -poweroff = 10brightness = 32playlist_shuffle = Falserec_source = 0talk_battery_level = Falseskip_length = 0bl_selective_actions = Falserecursive_dir_insert = 1start_in_screen = 1backlight_timeout_plugged = 10rec_stop_gap = 1backlight_timeout = 0font_file = 15-Adobe-Helveticarec_mic_gain = 23icon_file = tango_icons.16x16warnon_erase_dynplaylist = Trueflip_display = Falsefm_force_mono = Falseprevent_skip = Falseeq_precut = 0sort_file = 0keyclick = 0talk_filetype = Falselist_separator_color = 33808rec_trigger_mode = 0keyclick_repeats = 0balance = 0talk_file_clip = Falsetalk_file = 0wps_file = cabbiev2bl_selective_actions_mask = 0offset_out_of_view = Falsepeak_meter_clipcounter = Falsetalk_menu = Trueparty_mode = Falsebt_selective_softlock_actions_mask = 0lst_color = 0rec_right_gain = 23fg_color = 52857backdrop_file = /.rockbox/backdrops/cabbiev2.bmpstereo_width = 100tagcache_scan_paths = /autoresume_automatic = 0runtimedb = Falsetagcache_ram = Falsecrossfade_fade_out_delay = 0rec_start_thres_db = -35rec_format = 0autocreatebookmark = 0pbe = 0shortcuts_replaces_qs = Falsemorse_input = Falsescroll_paginated = Falserec_trigger_type = 0scrollbar_width = 6scrollbar = 1statusbar = 1max_files_in_dir = 1000rec_mono_mode = 0talk_dir_clip = Falsepeak_meter_min = 60ff_rewind_accel = 2dithering_enabled = Falserepeat_mode = 0crossfeed_hf_cutoff = 700play_selected = Truedefault_codepage = 0surround_enabled = 0treble = 0rec_stop_thres_linear = 10cliplight = 0rec_directory = /list_accel_start_delay = 2rec_split_type = 0surround_fx2 = 320rec_left_gain = 23rec_channels = 0interpret_numbers = 1audioscrobbler = Falsecrossfade_fade_out_duration = 2crossfade_fade_in_duration = 2
-- Don't change this file!-- It is automatically generated of settings.h $Revision$-- member = {offset, size, "type"}--const= 'const_', signed= '', struct= 's_', unsigned= 'u_', --#string#= 'str', bool= 'b', char= 'c', double= 'd', int= 'i', long= 'l', uint= 'u_i', rb.system = {}rb.system.global_status = { resume_index = {0x0, 4, "i"}, resume_crc32 = {0x4, 4, "u_i"}, resume_elapsed = {0x8, 4, "u_i"}, resume_offset = {0xc, 4, "u_i"}, runtime = {0x10, 4, "i"}, topruntime = {0x14, 4, "i"}, last_frequency = {0x18, 4, "i"}, last_screen = {0x1c, 1, "c"}, viewer_icon_count = {0x20, 4, "i"}, last_volume_change = {0x24, 4, "i"}, font_id = {0x28, 4, "i[1]"},}rb.system.global_settings = { volume = {0x0, 4, "i"}, balance = {0x4, 4, "i"}, bass = {0x8, 4, "i"}, treble = {0xc, 4, "i"}, channel_config = {0x10, 4, "i"}, stereo_width = {0x14, 4, "i"}, crossfade = {0x18, 4, "i"}, crossfade_fade_in_delay = {0x1c, 4, "i"}, crossfade_fade_out_delay = {0x20, 4, "i"}, crossfade_fade_in_duration = {0x24, 4, "i"}, crossfade_fade_out_duration = {0x28, 4, "i"}, crossfade_fade_out_mixmode = {0x2c, 4, "i"}, replaygain_settings = {0x30, 12, "s_replaygain_settings"}, crossfeed = {0x3c, 4, "i"}, crossfeed_direct_gain = {0x40, 4, "u_i"}, crossfeed_cross_gain = {0x44, 4, "u_i"}, crossfeed_hf_attenuation = {0x48, 4, "u_i"}, crossfeed_hf_cutoff = {0x4c, 4, "u_i"}, eq_enabled = {0x50, 1, "b"}, eq_precut = {0x54, 4, "u_i"}, eq_band_settings = {0x58, 120, "s_eq_band_setting[10]"}, beep = {0xd0, 4, "i"}, keyclick = {0xd4, 4, "i"}, keyclick_repeats = {0xd8, 4, "i"}, dithering_enabled = {0xdc, 1, "b"}, timestretch_enabled = {0xdd, 1, "b"}, rec_format = {0xe0, 4, "i"}, rec_mono_mode = {0xe4, 4, "i"}, mp3_enc_config = {0xe8, 4, "s_mp3_enc_config"}, rec_source = {0xec, 4, "i"}, rec_frequency = {0xf0, 4, "i"}, rec_channels = {0xf4, 4, "i"}, rec_mic_gain = {0xf8, 4, "i"}, rec_left_gain = {0xfc, 4, "i"}, rec_right_gain = {0x100, 4, "i"}, peak_meter_clipcounter = {0x104, 1, "b"}, rec_editable = {0x105, 1, "b"}, rec_timesplit = {0x108, 4, "i"}, rec_sizesplit = {0x10c, 4, "i"}, rec_split_type = {0x110, 4, "i"}, rec_split_method = {0x114, 4, "i"}, rec_prerecord_time = {0x118, 4, "i"}, rec_directory = {0x11c, 81, "str"}, cliplight = {0x170, 4, "i"}, rec_start_thres_db = {0x174, 4, "i"}, rec_start_thres_linear = {0x178, 4, "i"}, rec_start_duration = {0x17c, 4, "i"}, rec_stop_thres_db = {0x180, 4, "i"}, rec_stop_thres_linear = {0x184, 4, "i"}, rec_stop_postrec = {0x188, 4, "i"}, rec_stop_gap = {0x18c, 4, "i"}, rec_trigger_mode = {0x190, 4, "i"}, rec_trigger_type = {0x194, 4, "i"}, fm_region = {0x198, 4, "i"}, fm_force_mono = {0x19c, 1, "b"}, fmr_file = {0x19d, 33, "str"}, fms_file = {0x1be, 33, "str"}, list_accel_start_delay = {0x1e0, 4, "i"}, list_accel_wait = {0x1e4, 4, "i"}, touchpad_sensitivity = {0x1e8, 4, "i"}, pause_rewind = {0x1ec, 4, "i"}, qs_items = {0x1f0, 16, "i[4]"}, timeformat = {0x200, 4, "i"}, dirfilter = {0x204, 4, "i"}, show_filename_ext = {0x208, 4, "i"}, default_codepage = {0x20c, 4, "i"}, hold_lr_for_scroll_in_list = {0x210, 1, "b"}, play_selected = {0x211, 1, "b"}, party_mode = {0x212, 1, "b"}, audioscrobbler = {0x213, 1, "b"}, cuesheet = {0x214, 1, "b"}, car_adapter_mode = {0x215, 1, "b"}, start_in_screen = {0x218, 4, "i"}, alarm_wake_up_screen = {0x21c, 4, "i"}, ff_rewind_min_step = {0x220, 4, "i"}, ff_rewind_accel = {0x224, 4, "i"}, peak_meter_release = {0x228, 4, "i"}, peak_meter_hold = {0x22c, 4, "i"}, peak_meter_clip_hold = {0x230, 4, "i"}, peak_meter_dbfs = {0x234, 1, "b"}, peak_meter_min = {0x238, 4, "i"}, peak_meter_max = {0x23c, 4, "i"}, wps_file = {0x240, 33, "str"}, sbs_file = {0x261, 33, "str"}, lang_file = {0x282, 33, "str"}, playlist_catalog_dir = {0x2a3, 81, "str"}, skip_length = {0x2f4, 4, "i"}, max_files_in_dir = {0x2f8, 4, "i"}, max_files_in_playlist = {0x2fc, 4, "i"}, volume_type = {0x300, 4, "i"}, battery_display = {0x304, 4, "i"}, show_icons = {0x308, 1, "b"}, statusbar = {0x30c, 4, "i"}, scrollbar = {0x310, 4, "i"}, scrollbar_width = {0x314, 4, "i"}, list_separator_height = {0x318, 4, "i"}, list_separator_color = {0x31c, 4, "i"}, browse_current = {0x320, 1, "b"}, scroll_paginated = {0x321, 1, "b"}, scroll_speed = {0x324, 4, "i"}, bidir_limit = {0x328, 4, "i"}, scroll_delay = {0x32c, 4, "i"}, scroll_step = {0x330, 4, "i"}, autoloadbookmark = {0x334, 4, "i"}, autocreatebookmark = {0x338, 4, "i"}, autoupdatebookmark = {0x33c, 1, "b"}, usemrb = {0x340, 4, "i"}, tagcache_ram = {0x344, 1, "b"}, tagcache_autoupdate = {0x345, 1, "b"}, autoresume_enable = {0x346, 1, "b"}, autoresume_automatic = {0x348, 4, "i"}, autoresume_paths = {0x34c, 81, "str"}, runtimedb = {0x39d, 1, "b"}, tagcache_scan_paths = {0x39e, 81, "str"}, backdrop_file = {0x3ef, 81, "str"}, bg_color = {0x440, 4, "i"}, fg_color = {0x444, 4, "i"}, lss_color = {0x448, 4, "i"}, lse_color = {0x44c, 4, "i"}, lst_color = {0x450, 4, "i"}, colors_file = {0x454, 33, "str"}, repeat_mode = {0x478, 4, "i"}, next_folder = {0x47c, 4, "i"}, constrain_next_folder = {0x480, 1, "b"}, recursive_dir_insert = {0x484, 4, "i"}, fade_on_stop = {0x488, 1, "b"}, playlist_shuffle = {0x489, 1, "b"}, warnon_erase_dynplaylist = {0x48a, 1, "b"}, playlist_viewer_icons = {0x48b, 1, "b"}, playlist_viewer_indices = {0x48c, 1, "b"}, playlist_viewer_track_display = {0x490, 4, "i"}, talk_menu = {0x494, 1, "b"}, talk_dir = {0x498, 4, "i"}, talk_dir_clip = {0x49c, 1, "b"}, talk_file = {0x4a0, 4, "i"}, talk_file_clip = {0x4a4, 1, "b"}, talk_filetype = {0x4a5, 1, "b"}, talk_battery_level = {0x4a6, 1, "b"}, sort_case = {0x4a7, 1, "b"}, sort_dir = {0x4a8, 4, "i"}, sort_file = {0x4ac, 4, "i"}, interpret_numbers = {0x4b0, 4, "i"}, poweroff = {0x4b4, 4, "i"}, battery_capacity = {0x4b8, 4, "i"}, invert = {0x4bc, 1, "b"}, flip_display = {0x4bd, 1, "b"}, cursor_style = {0x4c0, 4, "i"}, screen_scroll_step = {0x4c4, 4, "i"}, show_path_in_browser = {0x4c8, 4, "i"}, offset_out_of_view = {0x4cc, 1, "b"}, icon_file = {0x4cd, 33, "str"}, viewers_icon_file = {0x4ee, 33, "str"}, font_file = {0x50f, 33, "str"}, glyphs_to_cache = {0x530, 4, "i"}, kbd_file = {0x534, 33, "str"}, backlight_timeout = {0x558, 4, "i"}, caption_backlight = {0x55c, 1, "b"}, bl_filter_first_keypress = {0x55d, 1, "b"}, backlight_timeout_plugged = {0x560, 4, "i"}, bt_selective_softlock_actions = {0x564, 1, "b"}, bt_selective_softlock_actions_mask = {0x568, 4, "i"}, bl_selective_actions = {0x56c, 1, "b"}, bl_selective_actions_mask = {0x570, 4, "i"}, backlight_fade_in = {0x574, 1, "b"}, backlight_fade_out = {0x575, 1, "b"}, brightness = {0x578, 4, "i"}, prevent_skip = {0x57c, 1, "b"}, pitch_mode_semitone = {0x57d, 1, "b"}, pitch_mode_timestretch = {0x57e, 1, "b"}, ui_vp_config = {0x57f, 64, "str"}, compressor_settings = {0x5c0, 24, "s_compressor_settings"}, sleeptimer_duration = {0x5d8, 4, "i"}, sleeptimer_on_startup = {0x5dc, 1, "b"}, keypress_restarts_sleeptimer = {0x5dd, 1, "b"}, morse_input = {0x5de, 1, "b"}, hotkey_wps = {0x5e0, 4, "i"}, hotkey_tree = {0x5e4, 4, "i"}, resume_rewind = {0x5e8, 4, "i"}, depth_3d = {0x5ec, 4, "i"}, start_directory = {0x5f0, 81, "str"}, root_menu_customized = {0x641, 1, "b"}, shortcuts_replaces_qs = {0x642, 1, "b"}, play_frequency = {0x644, 4, "i"}, volume_limit = {0x648, 4, "i"}, surround_enabled = {0x64c, 4, "i"}, surround_balance = {0x650, 4, "i"}, surround_fx1 = {0x654, 4, "i"}, surround_fx2 = {0x658, 4, "i"}, surround_method2 = {0x65c, 1, "b"}, surround_mix = {0x660, 4, "i"}, pbe = {0x664, 4, "i"}, pbe_precut = {0x668, 4, "i"}, afr_enabled = {0x66c, 4, "i"},}rb.system.replaygain_settings = { noclip = {0x0, 1, "b"}, type = {0x4, 4, "i"}, preamp = {0x8, 4, "i"},}rb.system.eq_band_setting = { cutoff = {0x0, 4, "i"}, q = {0x4, 4, "i"}, gain = {0x8, 4, "i"},}rb.system.compressor_settings = { threshold = {0x0, 4, "i"}, makeup_gain = {0x4, 4, "i"}, ratio = {0x8, 4, "i"}, knee = {0xc, 4, "i"}, release_time = {0x10, 4, "i"}, attack_time = {0x14, 4, "i"},}rb.system.mp3_enc_config = { bitrate = {0x0, 4, "u_l"},}
Page created in 0.036 seconds with 17 queries.