Support and General Use > Recording

way to record insertable audio note while listening to an existing audio file?



Apologies in advance yet I don't see this posted anywhere in recording section.

I would like to know if  there is a way to record an audio note into existing audio file while it is playing? This audio note would be an insertion into the file and would not overwrite any audio.

Scenario: Imagine you are walking down the street or at the gym listening to an audiobook or class lecture on your MP3 player.  You want to make a comment about something you just heard and have that comment appear at the time stamp that is pertinent in the audio file that you are listening too.  Preferably when this recording is done, it would imprint a time mark so when back home you could skip from note to note while on desktop.  Also while on the mp3 player one could conceivably forward from time mark to time mark to review notes. 

One then could take file and transcribe with Dragon Naturally speaking and then cut out the notes to paste into documents.

The way this could be accomplished via programming is to press the record button 3 times quickly or extended period of time.  That would start the recording. To end the recording, same thing.  Also, since many would not use the record button for anything else, a setting could be selected to make the default setting to do this action.

The current best solution that I have is to have two devices.  MP3 player and smart phone. Have to pull out smart phone and dictate notes. One has to pause the player, pull out the phone, dictate then press play again. Put pone away. Rinse and repeat. Major hassle and increases chances of dropped/broken phones.

Please let me know if this function exists here or anywhere. I have scoured the web to find this type of solution in a player app for smartphones etc, and have found nothing.  If this function does not exist, would someone be will willing to program it into rockbox. 

Once programmed into rockbox, what would be the best portable mp3 player to use with this function.  Think about going to gym, hiking, biking etc.

Thanks in advance. 



--- Quote from: researcher on May 31, 2018, 01:06:49 AM ---Please let me know if this function exists here or anywhere. I have scoured the web to find this type of solution in a player app for smartphones etc, and have found nothing.  If this function does not exist, would someone be will willing to program it into rockbox.
--- End quote ---

You would be that person if one exists


--- Quote from: researcher on May 31, 2018, 01:06:49 AM ---Please let me know if this function exists here or anywhere. I have scoured the web to find this type of solution in a player app for smartphones etc, and have found nothing.  If this function does not exist, would someone be will willing to program it into rockbox. 

--- End quote ---

Probably not.  Inserting audio into a compressed file while it is playing is not simple.  Generally compressed formats are not meant to be edited. 

You could definitely write a plugin that recorded your voice, mixed it with another file and wrote out a WAV or similar. 

Conceivably, it could be created in lua script without too much hassle but rather than mixing them together you would have it save a recording that was timestamped at the current track time and later mix them on a pc or if you want to get really fancy make a little app that plays the snippets back next time you listen to the track


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