Installation started as normally following the 6G install guide. I installed everything but the bootloader, then just the bootloader. Everything was fine until the utility needed to remount my iPod, which didn't happen, even though Windows detects two different file volumes and the iPod is clearly in "USB Keypad Mode: Multimedia". Multiple restarts while connected doesn't do anything. Disconnecting the cable, restarts bring a glitchy Rockbox base OS up.
Reconnecting the cable, Rockbox looks to not detect "rockbox.ipod", and Windows asks me to format the OF partition of my iPod.
This looks to be somewhat inconsistent, as trying to recreate this, Rockbox does find "rockbox.ipod" and runs into "USB Keypad Mode: Multimedia".
A log file dumped by Rockbox along with pictures of the utility UI and the iPod are available at
Any fix for this?