Third Party > Unsupported Builds
SANSA ClipZip Clip+ Fuze+ FuzeV2 Multiboot Bootloader and Firmware
They are entries on our gerrit server here:
You are going to want to see
When you go into gerrit you will want to click Download and save the patch files
Multiboot Firmware
They will need to be applied in sequence so save them and add a sequential number at the end eg. 1;2;3
[they download as zip files so do this as you unzip them as well]
So first lets start from a clean branch
note: if you already have stuff going on you will need to commit it or 'git stash ; All the below commands ; git stash pop'
--- Code: ---git checkout master
git pull --rebase
git checkout -b multibootFW
patch -p1 < /path/to/fab3535-1.diff <-repeat for each patch
patch -p1 < /path/to/78d621f-2.diff
--- End code ---
next after you are done adding the patches to your build (you might need -p0 or -p2 instead of -p1)
it is time to compile the firmware
so from the root of your rockbox dir ~/Desktop/rockbox for instance
--- Code: ---mkdir <yourplayer>-multibootFW
cd clipzip-multibootFW
--- End code ---
then type the number of your player from the list for instance the clip zip is #65 so I type 65 then hit enter
next type 'N' for normal build
and finally type
--- Code: ---make -j && make fullzip
--- End code ---
this zip will get unzipped to your sd card
If you are continuing with other builds you will want to commit these edits
Type '..' to return to the root folder
first type 'git status' to get a list of the modified files
make sure the files don't start with ../ or you will need to go up a level by typing '..'
git add <fullfilepath>(..For each of the files we just patched)
OR if you FOR SURE don't have any other modified files
--- Code: ---git add `git status | grep modified | sed 's/\(.*modified:\s*\)//'`
--- End code ---
Finally type 'git commit'
add some text for description at the top (note empty commits do not save)
then hit CTRL 'o' and press enter to write commit message then press CTRL 'x' to exit
after all is done you can go back to master 'git checkout master'
and then start on your next branch git checkout -b <my totally awesome edits>'
or go back to your previous work and type git stash pop ( if you stashed work )
Thanks @ [Saint]
Multiboot bootloaders for Sansa Clip+ ClipZip, Fuze+ Fuzev1 and Fuzev2 are now on the mainsite
Multiboot Bootloader [Most likely You won't need this use the precompiled bootloader instead]
You risk bricking your player if you mess up a bootloader build
Although most of these players do have recovery modes You Have Been Warned
Bootloader code is now in dev builds
Multiboot bootloaders for Sansa Clip+ ClipZip, Fuze+ Fuzev1 and Fuzev2 are now on the mainsite
Multiboot bootloaders for Sansa Clip+ ClipZip, Fuze+ Fuzev1 and Fuzev2 are now on the mainsite
The bootloaders are on the mainsite now Rbutility will install them
--- Quote from: Bilgus on August 27, 2019, 02:32:26 PM ---Multiboot bootloaders for Sansa Clip+ ClipZip, Fuze+ Fuzev1 and Fuzev2 are now on the mainsite
The bootloaders are on the mainsite now Rbutility will install them
--- End quote ---
What does it mean it's on mainsite? Where is the option to install to sd card in rockboxutility?
Which version of rbutility should I use?
do a bootloader install
the bootloader is backwards compatible
rbutil doesn't have the option to install to the sdcard you need a special firmware version for the time being
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