for the installation of rockbox on a windows pc for an ipod 6 classic 160 gb ( mc293 6gen 160gb) :
it says
Connect your iPod in normal mode (iTunes/file transfer).
Get the EXE version and start the executable.there is the
Windows installer (EXE) (5.18 MB)
and there is the
Windows binaries (ZIP) (8.66 MB) - includes RockboxUtility and mks5lboot (.exe), bootloader (.ipod), installed and uninstaller (.dfu)
so i assume that i need the" windows installer (exe)"
but later When Rockbox Utility opens, select the checkbox named Show disabled targets, and point the installer to your iPod's drive letter (E:, F:, etc.).
On the installation screen make sure that Rockbox is selected and Bootloader is not selected. You can install themes or the game files if you want.
Start the Rockbox installation.
When the instllation is complete, select Bootloader and deselect all other optionsis the bootloader part of the windows installer exe or part of the windows binaries?
i figure i need to download booth, the installer and the binaries?

( rest of procedure:
Start the bootloader installation, and follow the on-screen instructions! They require you to press certain buttons at some point.
When the instllation is complete, you should have Rockbox up and running! )
am sorry, i think the installation guide is well done but is lacking in clearness of the instructions though
can someone please insure me how to proceed
best christoph