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Why not just disable the internal storage entirely and use an SD card?
any updates on this?
Hmm, maybe you could do the same thing we are doing with the multiboot bootloader and mark the sd card as your internal drive
As far as I know, the latest dev build should have fixed the panics on the D2.
Why not just disable the internal storage entirely and use an SD card? Then the D2 could be a normal target and you wouldn't have to worry about the read only file system.
if you want something commitable for the cowon I think you could probably do some editing in its config file but it would take some testing and it would disable the internal drive completelyhttps://github.com/Rockbox/rockbox/blob/master/firmware/export/config/cowond2.h#L61#define CONFIG_STORAGE (STORAGE_NAND | STORAGE_SD)#define HAVE_MULTIDRIVE#define HAVE_HOTSWAP#define NUM_DRIVES 2would become#define CONFIG_STORAGE (STORAGE_SD)//#define HAVE_MULTIDRIVE//#define HAVE_HOTSWAP#define NUM_DRIVES 1that might not be all that needs changed but it would need to have a bootloader and new firmware compiled
I don't have a D2, but I still think the best solution would be to require installing on the SD card in the official build, and then mounting the internal storage as read only, secondary storage.
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