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But portability isn't always needed. I use my 10" tablet to play music through my hi-fi when at home and I could see me using Rockbox with all its versatility for that in preference to any of the usual apps.
Just glad I have a couple of ancient sansa e200s though only one works (the other powers on but gets no further).So unless I'm wrong the amount of new devices you can really run rockbox on without it being a minefield (mobile phone) or things not working is well......zero - for now.
Would be nice to see a successful port to the AGPTEK Rocker though. That seems to be our only hope for a more recent rockbox player.
But could a rasberry pi plus a small screen be a possible answer to a "new device that [might possibly one day] run rockbox"?
would it be possible to make a 'lite' version that could run on the new Clip Jam?
I am holding great hope the AGPtek Rocker that was mentioned previously, but I see no mention of it on the RB radar.
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