Installation / Removal > Iriver - Installation/Removal/Flashing
H120 Hangs on IRiver Logo - bricked?
So I was trying to flash from Bootloader 6 to 7pre4 last night using the instructions here and it kept saying "incompatible bootloader" after using RoLo and iriver_flash. So I tried some other stuff, reflashing a manual patched firmware and I'm not sure what happened but something went wrong.
My player now boots to a blank screen (rockbox, no text) and then when I hit the reset button it hangs at the iriver logo. Could this be a hardware issue or is it bricked? so bummed....
Thanks for the help!
I would still love to fix this someday... Does anyone have any knowledge of how the RAM/ ROM works for reprogramming with soldering? I'm very skilled with a soldering iron and I have two other units for parts. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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