Installation / Removal > Iriver - Installation/Removal/Flashing
iriver h120 / cf / booting issue
i have posted somewhere here some time ago, but unfortunately cannot find my post anymore (so i do not know if i ever did get an answer...)
the problem:
my iriver h120 with cf modification always worked the way it should - for a good number of years now.
some time ago it started having a problem with booting.
it boots up until i see the rockbox logo and the vers 3.13
there it freezes
i have to press the reset button - then when i start it again it goes to the screen where i have the option to select where to boot from. i go to "boot from disc (default)" and it boots fine.
i do not remember that i ever made any change in the setup in order to cause that problem-
any ideas??
thank you!!
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