Hello all
I did write a while back about a recording issue I had with a sansa fuze device. However in the end (and after finding one with a reasonable price tag) I decided to get the newer sansa fuse plus. So far so good -- the fuze+ dosen't have the strange "chriping crickets" (for want of a better term) recording problem when recording from the radio.
There remains only one issue however on the fuze plus with recording. BTW I am aware of
this page and that on the fuze plus recording is 90%, "Everything works, need more testing to be declared stable".
There's just one problem however. If I select "frequency" in the recording settings there's a list -- e.g. 8,11.025,12,16,22.05,24,32,44.1,48,64,88.2,96 khz for wavpack (can the fuze plus even record at 96?). But only 44.1 seems to work. If I choose a lower frequency the audio is slowed down; recording at higher speeds it up!
Any way to work around this at all?