Rockbox General > Rockbox General Discussion
Nano - Battery life ,urgent!
--- Quote from: Llorean on June 28, 2006, 12:29:49 PM ---This isn't really a forum for discussion of the stock firmware and/or its strengths or weaknesses, as well this thread has *nothing* to do with Bass or Equalizers at all.
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Sorry, i recognize that, but i'm going to buy a dap really soon (probably this weekend), and i haven't been able to get decent feedback on these issues, despite the popularity and ubiquity of ipod nano, there aren't even decent professionals reviews (other than the one at arstechnica, where they basically tossed the thing around). I'd appreciated it if you overlooked the irrelevant bits.
And ryran, sc will live as long as this world revolves around the sun... =)
Where will people talk about things like this? Well, there's iPodLounge for one.
These forums are for Rockbox on iPod. Questions about the stock firmware are better addressed somewhere else. I notice that he didn't ask about unequalized Rockbox _at all_ let alone the potential of the parametric equalizer to allow him to resolve any problems he has with any shaping of the sound output from hardware flaws. And to further it, he asked about the equalizer on a battery thread. He didn't even start a new thread. So, doubly off topic.
Questions like this should be asked at the Apple Forums where you are sure to get your self a proper and correct answer quickly.
I had a quick look at the apple forums, and decided that they couldn't really be much helpful to me. Almost all topics are about frozen, broken, nonfunctional ipods and such. I figured i could get better feedback from these forums, since there are power users around, or at least those who have the guts to install a third party software to operate their ipods. I accept that i've gone a bit off topic, i apologize, but i actually intended to ask about the battery life with both rockbox and the stock firmware, i just didn't want people to comment merely on rockbox's performance, for i'll just stick to the original firmware if the battery life is better with that, if i have to.
--- Quote from: ryran on June 28, 2006, 01:35:23 PM ---Llorean, I love you man, but honestly .. where else is someone going to talk about this?
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One of the 6 million Ipod forums on the internet?
Anyway, the Ipod bass issue has been well documented:
It can be fixed by using higher impedance headphones (Apple ships 32 Ohm stock for a reason) or using a headphone amp.
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