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Here is the promised patch:http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/#/c/1007/
[...]1) I didn't get any sound. At first there was a crackling in my headphones, but then nothing. HOWEVER, this might be a result of my own stupidity. I am not sure if I didn't accidentally plug my headphones into the COAX out of the DX50.[...]
[...]2) I did not find out how to get to the dualboot menu. I think I was able to choose Mangoplayer or Rockbox when i first booted it...but from then on, pushing the ON button automatically boots Rockbox. I tried several button combinations at boot time, but none did open the dualboot menu.[...]
[...]3) Rockbox did not show the music files on the SD card. After a while, I found out that the contents of the SD card should be listed under Files>mnt and NOT "sdcard", but still...the folder was shown as empty. I took out the SD and plugged it directly into my PC - and all the music files are shown. The original iBasso firmware also detects and plays all the contents.[...]
[...]The thing with the SD card will remain a problem, though. I have DEFINITELY opened Files>mnt>external_sd, and it was empty. I tried to format the sd card from the menu I can open by pressing Volume Up+Power (the CWM menu or what its name is), and it also didn't help. What confused me: after I formatted the SD card from that menu, when I connected the SD to my computer, my music files were still on it. I checked the card, it's FAT32 formatted, so that shouldn't be an issue...right? Is there any other thing I might have forgotten and which might cause these SD problems?[...]
[...]EDIT: For some reason, I can't get to installing Rockbox anymore. I used the RKbatch tool, and flashed the update.img to the device. From the CWM recovery menu, I decided to try the other .zip file (the one by isergachev), but it did not work...I thought maybe it doesn't work with iBasso FW 1.5. Then, I put cholero's .zip on the SD card and tried to install it...but I received the same error as I did with the isergachev file. It would not work anymore. I couldn't do anything but revert to the stock FW using RKbatch...AGAIN. Damn, I really don't know what went wrong this time!
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