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You should ask the foobar people then.
If you just put the playlist in some folder below the one with the files it should work even without relative paths.
hard to believe there is no tool that will create relative m3us or correct the path later.
Shouldn't be hard to write a converter to change path names in a couple of lines of Python code. Or a similar scripting language.
I've use win's Notepad editor Find & Replace funtion for m3u's.
sure, i should have better written automatically. does there exist an editor where you can define a path (and save it) so just to hit ''find & replace''?
yes and i wish i could write such a code..
import sysimport osinfile = sys.argv[1]basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(infile))outlines = []fp = open(infile)for line in fp.readlines(): if line.startswith('#'): # m3u comments start with # outlines.append(line) else: outlines.append(os.path.relpath(line, basepath))fp.close()fp = open(infile, "w")for line in outlines: fp.write(line)fp.close()
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