I flashed my Archos Recorder 15 with Rockbox 2.1 about 2.5 years ago. It has been working fine. A few days ago, I tried to upgrade the firmware to 2.5 but suddenly, some strange things occur.
1: The Rockbox 2.1 screen shows up at power on
2: followed by "dir buffer full" and no files show up.
3: I can still access settings screen by F1.
4: I can still aceess the hard drive via USB connection to a PC.
5: I am not able to boot to Archos firmware by Power-F1
6: Via PC connection, reformatted the hard drive and reinstalled the 2.5 upgrades, but I still get the "dir buffer full" message at power on. (The screen still says 2.1 as I did not reflash it.)
Help! Help!