Hi, I decided to try and install rockbox on my Clip Zip.
Problem is that I have somehow forgotten to set the USB mode to MSC (early in the morning, what can I say...) and plugged in the device into USB straight after installing rockbox. Obviously my PC couldn't recognize the device.
Now I get this error: "bt pc: 30800000," - can't see the whole thing because the screen is too small.
The biggest problem is that I can't shut down the device. My only option appears to be waiting for it to turn off (hopefully won't take too long due to the screen being on all the time). I really don't want to open the device, even though I have the experience with this sort of thing (EE). Maybe I can reset this using some other method like JTAG (if that's even possible) or some other trickery?
I have actually searched for an answer to my question, couldn't find anything neither via google nor using the search feature here...
Hoping to get some answers.
EDIT: so eventually it turned off. What I don't understand is why I couldn't turn it off using the reset button (pressed it for ages!!!). Weird.